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How to Reduce Your Household Water Consumption

It’s easy to reduce your water consumption by following these tips. Reducing your water consumption is good for the environment and will help reduce your hot water bill too.

Tub and shower tips
  1. Choose showering over bathing in a tub, it uses less water. Avoid long showers by timing them.
  2. If you prefer bathing, fill the tub only one-quarter full.
  3. Soak your shower head in vinegar or CLR to remove mineral deposits.
  4. Consider installing a low-flow shower head.
  5. Insulate your hot water pipes,this will keep hot water warmer for longer.
  6. Use a bucket to collect water that runs while the shower heats up so you can use it for cleaning/chores.
  7. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth or shave.
Toilet tips
  1. Don’t flush things foreign objects like cotton swabs, dental floss or hair down the toilet. This wastes water and can clog your sewer lines.
  2. Check your flapper valve. If you hear your toilet filling without having been flushed, it could be leaking.
  3. Consider a dual-flush toilet.
Laundry tips
  1. Use a full load in the washing machine (but don’t overfill). Too much water will cause the washer to work less efficiently.
  2. Don’t waste water on small loads. Three-quarters full leaves room for the clothes to move around the agitator and reduces the chance for wrinkles or damage.
  3. Consider updating your washer with a newer, high-efficiency model. New Energy Star washers use half the water of older models.
Leak tips
  1. Repair dripping faucets and leaky valves, including stuff off valves and hose connections behind washing machines and dish washers.
  2. Check your water meter periodically to monitor for leaky plumbing. If you see dial movement when water is off, look for signs of leaks.
Yard tips
  1. Water lawns, shrubs, trees and gardens sparing. Plants can be watered at the end of the day when heat is lower and evaporation will be reduced.
  2. Set up a rain barrel at the bottom of a downspout to collect rain water. This water is safe to water shrubs, flowers, trees, and vegetables.
  3. Use mulch around shrubs, flowers, trees, and vegetables to retain moisture in the soil while reducing weeds and the use of herbicides.
  4. Reduce the size of your lawn by replacing it with native plants, that require little to no watering.
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As heating and cooling contractors, we always seem to talk about be more energy efficient in the house. But, what about outside? Here are some easy ways to saving on energy cost around your yard.

  1. Use solar lights

To light any outdoor space like a garden, deck or pool area, use solar-powered lights. These lights charge all day and run on solar energy to provide light at night.

  1. Install motion sensors

Lights that are hooked to monitors can reduce lighting costs by up to 30%. In outdoor spaces they can also frighten off unwanted visitors.

  1. Use a broom

Don’t waste water and/or power by using a power washer or leaf blower washing to clean driveways and decks. Plus, sweeping is good exercise!

  1. Plant trees

Not only does planting a tree beautify your yard, it also cleans the air by absorbing carbon dioxide.

  1. Don’t rake your lawn

Grass clippings are an important natural fertilizer. They put nutrients go back into the soil, improving the health of your lawn. Plus, think of all the time you’ll save by not raking and bagging.

  1. Water early morning or late evening

Homeowners who must water their grass should avoid doing so during the sun’s peak hours as the heat will burn the water off before it has a chance to nourish the lawn. Instead, water in the early morning or evening when the sun is not at its height. This will reduce water waste and nourish the grass as well.