Central Air Conditioning Timmins Purchasing Tips

Central Air Conditioning Timmins Purchasing Tips

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Central Air Conditioning Timmins Purchasing Tips

Everyone loves the idea of a hot summer. The winter can be gruelling but we always forget how intense the summer can be as well. This is especially true if you can’t even seek comfort inside, because you don’t have air conditioning. If you’re ready to love summer again, and invest in air conditioning, then here are three tips to guide your purchasing decision. 

Know Your Options 

There are three types of air conditioning you need to be aware of: Central, Ductless and the use of a window unit. The latter is easy to recognize because it literally sits in your window. It’s the old fashioned way of cooling down your space, but it comes with a lot of cons. The first being that it’s not suitable for large spaces. An apartment is fine, but even then expect some ‘hot spots’ due to the unit’s limited reach.

Your real decision will be between central or ductless air conditioning. They are very similar, but there are a few key differences you’ll need to be aware of. They both consist of two units, but with a central air system the cool air is sent through the air handler on your furnace into the ductwork and throughout the house while ductless AC travels through a slim cable into a box on your wall (no ductwork involved). 

The main deciding factor will be whether or not you already have ductwork in your home. If this is the case, then the more cost-effective option would be central air conditioning. Central air conditioning is also ideal for larger homes. If you have no ductwork, it will be cheaper to install a ductless system. This system is not totally invisible, but a small vent or slim wall unit is hardly an eyesore. 

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Choose a Reliable Contractor 

Man Wearing Black Denim Pants With Carrying Hammer on Holster

When it comes to work on your home you can never be too safe. That’s why it’s best to hire a HVAC contractor that you trust and you know values your business. It’s easy to go with a big company who has lots of advertising dollars to spend, but smaller, locally owned and operated usually value their reputation more, and will go the extra mile to make a customer happy.

Consider Financing 

Air conditioning can seem like a large investment, but it’s an investment that is built to last. You can enjoy summer the way you’ve always wanted to for years and years to come, and you don’t have to pay for it all at once!

Many companies offer financing that you can pay off monthly until you’ve covered the total costs. Summer is the time for vacations and indulgences, so look for a company that offers financing so you can sit back and enjoy your new AC without worry. 

RHMH, central air conditioning Timmins, offers air conditioning financing for as low as $59/month. Check out our Beat The Heat promotion for more information.